Going online can open doors to a range of opportunities. Your online presence can support existing marketing and sales activities, increase your productivity, and
allow you to engage in e-commerce, like online sales or fundraising. Some possible benefits of going online are:
Your online presence is like a digital shopfront. It can help customers to learn about your products and services, or simply find your phone number or street
An online presence can open up your business to a global audience of customers, supporters and donors.
You are always open for business. Anyone can access your online presence at a time and place that is convenient to them.
Your online presence can help you reach out to potential employees who want to learn more about your organisation.
Digital marketing such as email can be an effective, low-cost way to stay in touch with anyone interested in your products or services.
You can study how people use your site (for example, what they click on, browse or purchase) and use this information to help you keep your website fresh, make
decisions about merchandise and more.
You can use social media to create a relationship with your customers or supporters and learn more about how people view your organisation, as well as to share
news and other information.
You can improve your organisation’s efficiency and productivity by using internal online communications tools.