Help Family & Friends Connect


Digital IQ is supporting communities connect.


Now more than ever, it is important to reach out to friends, family, community members and help people connect with digital technologies and the internet.


Spare a moment to think about those less fortunate in the community, that may be at risk for digital exclusion. (i.e. those that may not know who to use a computer, internet or technology).


If you can help just one person, to connect with technology and the internet, can make a world of difference in their life.  Support is available, to assist community members connect with messaging tools, video connections and online shopping for essentials.


Digital IQ can help directly or help you to help others. 

We aim to support communities connect.


Did you know?


A significant percentage of Australians NEVER use the internet, representing around 2.5 million people.


  • Over 4 millions Australians are limited users of the internet, Australians who rarely engage with the internet or use only a few apps or websites.
  • Within the cohort of Australians who NEVER use the internet, 26% of people are over 65+
  • For New England North West region, this statistic can be used to approximate the number of regional seniors that are not connected to or are limited users of the internet across the region.
  • A significant number of community members do now access digital tools to assist manage connections, health, well-being and access essential items for their needs.

A Challenge


Community members that do not use technology or do not access the internet are at risk of digital exclusion; not connecting to families, friends, important health information, support groups and / or essential items for their households.


As the situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19) evolves, it is important that community members respond accordingly and follow the advice to maintain social distancing & stay home as much as possible.


It is apparent there are segments of our community that are at higher risk of the potential dangers presented via COVID-19.


These same community members are also at risk of social, digital exclusion during this time.


It is more important than ever that families, friends and community members connect and support each other; particularly those potentially more vulnerable to change.


A Way to Help

To empower connectivity & connections, we would like to extend a simple gesture.


We are aiming to provide an initial five free to use internet connected tablets, ready to be delivered directly to a nominated Senior Age regional community member, who could use a friendly helping hand.


The connected tablet will be setup ready to connect to the internet, apps to assist connections installed & information provided to connect with local area support groups. Direct guided support will also be provided, safely & securely, as per current COVID19 safety measures.


Who to help

The support and technology being provided, is intended for Senior Age community members located within the New England North West area. Senior Age defined as a person 65+ years of age as of Jan 1st 2020, who is not currently connecting to the internet and / or using technology to connect with community, family and friends and / or important support information (health related, community support)


How you can get involved

You may know someone within your local area community, that could benefit from a friendly helping hand and gifted technology. The person may be a family member, a friend or just someone you may know within your connections.

To get involved, simply - get in touch.


Touch base via email, phone, IM or if you like via online form provided on the Digital IQ website.

We will get back in touch, for an initial discussion and provision of next steps.



The team at Digital IQ understand that Privacy is very important and as such we operate with privacy policies in place.

Our regional, community focused organisation is a part of the Be Connected - Network Partner program.  Be Connected is an Australia wide initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world. Learn more here

We take the time to explain various forms of support available to connections and signpost community members to support where needed and requested.


Safety & Security

The team at Digital IQ provide mentoring, support and sign posting to trusted information sources, focused on community safety requirements.


Information & support regarding how to maintain Safe passwords, Paying safely online, Avoiding scams and tricks, is readily available. For example

A requirement for all Be Connected Network Partners includes providing accessible premises, public liability insurance, and police checks for Digital Mentors and volunteers.


Digital IQ sign posts connections towards information available via the eSafety Commissioner

For example, the eSafety Commissioner hosts free webinar presentations to help older Australians stay safer online. It’s their way of helping the 4 million older Australians keen to improve their computer skills, but want help addressing online safety concerns.


Feel free to get in touch with any questions or thoughts.